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Dear Colleague:
Welcome to the 2018 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Stroke Society & 3rd Taiwan Asia Pacific Stroke Conference held in Taipei International Convention Center on November 9-11, 2018. This is a very exciting time in a new era of improving diagnosis and therapeutics of cerebrovascular disease worldwide. We face a greater challenge in stroke management. On behalf of organizing committee, I would like to thank all guest speakers and moderators from overseas and all the attendees.
The main theme of the conference is “Toward healthier brain, and free of stroke”. The 2018 program includes vascular cognitive impairment, telestroke and prehospital stroke identification, standardized acute stroke care, stem cell therapy in stroke, genetics in stroke, experimental stroke research, diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhagic stroke, advanced neuroimaging in acute stroke, technics in thrombectomy, drug treatment in stroke, post-stroke spasticity management, antiplatelet in ischemic stroke, acute ischemic stroke management, neurosonology, and stroke game. We do our best to organize the conference to meet all participants’ expectation. Thank you for joining us for this event, and we hope enjoy the conference.
Sincerely Yours,

Jiann-Shing Jeng, MD, PhD
Chairperson, 2018 Taiwan Stroke Society Annual Meeting